Out of the box: the all-terrain phones
The telephony market is booming and does not seem to be going anywhere’To stop so soon. Smartphones as far as the eye can see are in the running for the top spot. However, one type of phone seems to stand out from the rest because of its resilient qualities, they are called all-terrain..
Specific characteristics
The greatest quality of these phones is their resistance, which makes them unique. Indeed, these resist to the most extreme shocks, to the’water, pressure, sunlight and are equipped with’a great autonomy. The brand was designed by extreme sports enthusiasts, David EberlĂ© and Cyril Vidal, who were looking for’a modern phone, also capable of following them on their greatest journeys.
From this project was born Crosscall.
In addition to their strength, they offer you all the comfort of a mobile phone’an Android application by combining the same functionalities. The quality of the cameras becomes more and more powerful in order to be able to capture each present moment during the various journeys of our life.
In terms of rates, the’The entry-level phone is sixty euros, but you need a little more than five hundred euros if you want a high-tech, high-performance phone that you can easily find on this site.
The all-terrain in full race
The market of resistant smartphones is booming. Crosscall is from’elsewhere the’It is one of the most talked-about new manufacturers in this sector. More than six hundred thousand mobiles were sold on the’last year, which is double the sales of 2016.
This is’This is partly due to an audience that is becoming increasingly aware of the value of the product’opens more and more. In the beginning, these smartphones were mostly appreciated by professionals, but nowadays they tend to be more popular’today to s’open up to people whose passion requires a very solid phone. We find craftsmen, construction workers, farmers, mountaineers, riders..
What future ?
With the’With the increasing sales trend, we tend to think of a bright future for these smartphones of the’extreme. There are also more and more customers who are disappointed by the poor quality of the products offered’This is due to the fact that the market is very expensive, but also because of the other competing brands and the exorbitant prices. Crosscall could be criticized for poor photo quality and a design that does not meet the needs of its customers’not always attracts all sectors. But new models are in preparation with a new look, a good quality of photos and even more resistant !