Company: 400 million euros for’400 million euros to support professional reconversions
The government is detailing the France Relance” measures. The recovery plan puts employment at the heart of its debates. An endowment of more than 15 billion’s plan is carried out for the youth plan, the device for the development of the young people’The partial activity as well as the’investment in skills.
This measure will support professional reconversions to the tune of 400 million euros’euros.
The strategy to support employment
With an envelope of’100 billion’The government intends to put the economy back on track with the €400 million “France Relance” program’s economy to its former level of prosperity’by 2022 and create 160,000 jobs by 2021.
Of these 100 billion’euros, 35 billion’100 billion will be used for social and territorial cohesion. C’It is through this component that the voluntary strategy of supporting the economy is implemented’100 billion for employment and education’investment in the skills that the company has to offer’aid for reconversion.
Help for professional retraining
The Ministry of Labor will implement three major measures for the youth plan. The first axis which is a great priority has to be implemented’These measures have already been put in place with the launch of the actions for the’apprenticeship in June and the youth plan in July. In fact, 6.7 billion euros of’euros are dedicated to the development of the system’7.6 billion in long-term partial activity and’euros are for the development of skills.
In addition to the aid for hiring, 500,000 training and development courses will be offered’300,000 of which are accompanied in the context of assisted contracts and the youth guarantee and 200,000 qualifying training courses targeted on the sectors highlighted by the recovery plan. As a result, the recovery plan promotes skills development and encourages young people to take up training. For example, it is possible to do a training in management, entrepreneurship, sales or real estate to increase and develop your knowledge in a specific field.
Why go for a professional reconversion ?
Professional reconversion can be done for different reasons. Indeed, this decision must be thought through in order to choose a sector that attracts us but also that ensures a sustainable activity. Indeed, the business must correspond with our expectations and must also be a sector of innovation’recruiting activity.
In order to make a well thought out and organized decision, it is possible to follow several steps to choose the best one conversion training. First of all, taking a skills assessment will allow you to find out if you are a good candidate’analyze your abilities and your skills. This allows you to know which sector is suitable for which skills.
Then, you have to choose a sector that is recruiting and do a test of your skills’orientation in order to define which sector best meets its expectations.